martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

Paginas Web

Wally Welker, John Irwin Johnson, Adrianne Noe
This web site provides browsers with images and information from one of the world's largest collection of well-preserved, sectioned and stained brains of mammals. Viewers can see and download photographs of brains of over 100 different species of mammals (including humans) representing over 20 Mammalian Orders.

Also available are examples of stained sections from a wide variety of brains of special interest, including Humans, Chimpanzees, Monkeys, various Rodents and Carnivores, California Sealion, Florida Manatee, Big Brown Bat, American Badger, American Raccoon, Yellow Mongoose, Zebra, Cow, and the Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin. A complete list of all available specimens is available. How brain evolution has occurred is discussed

Through the generosity of the BSA Teaching Section, BSA Education Committee and individual donors, the Botanical Society of America has made a collection of approximately 800 images available for instructional use. A shorthistory of this collection is provided below. The copyright and any intellectual property rights for these images are retained by the individual donors who have permitted BSA to distribute these images subject to the licensing agreement at the bottom of the screen. The current images are also available as 35 mm color slides at cost through the BSA Business Office. By accessing these images, you are agreeing to our licensing agreement.

Graphics Gallery

Graphics Gallery is a series of labeled diagrams with explanations representing the important processes of biotechnology. Each diagram is followed by a summary of information, providing a context for the process illustrated.

Our Mission

Our mission is to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature. From our experience as the world's leading independent conservation body, we know that the well-being of people, wildlife and the environment are closely linked. That's why we take an integrated approach to our work.
We're striving to safeguard the natural world, helping people live more sustainably and take action against climate change. We spend a lot of time working with communities, with politicans and with businesses to find solutions so people and nature can thrive.
Our projects are innovative, collaborative and based on scientific evidence. And we think big. We run a number of Global initiatives focussing on the regions and challenges where we can make the biggest difference - from the Arctic and the Amazon to responsible fishing.

Day 34: Free The Arctic 30

Thirty people are behind bars in Russia following a peaceful protest against oil drilling in the Arctic. They took action because they know it is wrong to exploit melting ice to drill for more of the oil that is warming our world. The Arctic 30, including a freelance photographer and a freelance videographer, have been refused bail and charged with piracy. It is an absurd accusation that carries a maximum 15 year jail sentence. Help us free them.
free the Arctic 30

NASA: Back to Work, Back to Mission   21 Oct 2013
NASA is once again open for business in a big way. While we were out, several of our on-going missions achieved significant milestones
Opportunity Update   21 Oct 2013
Opportunity is in good health, although the robotic arm elbow joint potentiometer is acting up
LADEE Mission Update   18 Oct 2013
LADEE spacecraft commissioning activities are now complete, and the instrument commissioning activities have begun.

Robotic Firsts

Mars Crater May Actually Be Ancient Supervolcano

Scientists from NASA and the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Ariz., have identified what could be a supervolcano on Mars—the first discovery of its kind.

The volcano in question, a vast circular basin on the face of the Red Planet, previously had been classified as an impact crater. Researchers now suggest the basin is actually what remains of an ancient supervolcano eruption.

Astronaut Karen Nyberg With Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and Astronaut Luca 

September 30, 2013
PASADENA, Calif. -- Astronomers using data from NASA's Kepler and Spitzer space telescopes have created the first cloud map of a planet beyond our solar system, a sizzling, Jupiter-like world known as Kepler-7b.

The planet is marked by high clouds in the west and clear skies in the east. Previous studies from Spitzer have resulted in temperature maps of planets orbiting other stars, but this is the first look at cloud structures on a distant world. 
Partially Cloudy Skies on Kepler-7b

A users' guide to The IUCN Red List web site
03 April 2009
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™
In October 2008, the IUCN Red List web site was given a brand new look. The new site has more functionality than ever before. This also means that the site has more detailed search pages that allow increased flexibility in the searches that can be carried out, introduces the ability to store searches for future use or to share search results with others, and allows users to download range data for mammals and amphibians.

Desde la Estación Espacial Internacional, Firestation explorará la parte superior de las tormentas
25 de septiembre de 2013
Ciencias espaciales
En ciertas ocasiones, la Tierra imita a una supernova y produce destellos de rayos gamma terrestres desde la parte superior de las tormentas. Un nuevo sensor de rayos ubicado en la Estación Espacial Internacional podría resolver el misterio de estas explosiones de energía.
Manténgase alerta; ya llega la Luna de la cosecha 
Manténgase alerta; ya llega la Luna de la cosecha
17 de septiembre de 2013
Ciencias espaciales
La Luna llena más cercana al equinoccio otoñal del hemisferio norte llega esta semana. No se pierda la Luna de la cosecha

Manténgase alerta; ya llega la Luna de la cosecha

Water is one of six science mission areas of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Water's mission is to collect and disseminate reliable, impartial, and timely information that is needed to understand the Nation's water resources.

Tracking Nitrate Pulse

The Object’s Page

If the mouse is close enough to an object (or right on an object), its Basic Information Window appears showing the data about the object. The basic data include ID, names, constellations, exact coordinates, distances from Earth and apparent magnitudes. If you mouse-click once while this Basic Information Window is still being visible

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